The project is now hosted on see gheja/early-ssh.

Example initialization script with mdadm and LUKS encrypted partitions

Here you can see my real life example what I use on one of my servers. The setup was roughly the following steps:

  1. First of all, I have installed Debian with mdadm RAID-1 arrays, and over the arrays I have created LUKS encrypted partitions.
  2. I have installed and configured early-ssh.
  3. Then I have created a key file for each partitions, added them to the second keyslot (later I have dropped the first (passpharse) keyslot to have the keyfile only).
  4. I have copied the keys to a pendrive and an external backup HDD (both are LUKS encrypted of course :).
  5. I have created the following script to initialize my things needed for the boot:
    # load the RAID-1 module for mdadm
    modprobe raid1
    # create the md special devices
    for i in 0 1 2 3; do mknod /dev/md${i} b 9 ${i}; done
    # scan for all mdadm arrays (can be good if you forget to update your initramfs)
    mdadm --examine --scan > /tmp/mdadm.conf
    # assemble the RAID-1 arrays
    mdadm --assemble --scan --config /tmp/mdadm.conf
    # load the dm-crypt module for LUKS
    modprobe dm-crypt
    # do the LUKS openings (md0 is the /boot, so it is not encrypted!)
    for i in 1 2 3; do cryptsetup --key-file /tmp/zaphod-md${i}.key luksOpen /dev/md${i} md${i}_crypt; done

After this all I need is SCP-ing the keys and the script to the server at boottime, run the script, and be happy.

This is the whole process in somewhat more practical point of view:

mobilem00:/mnt/pendrive# scp zaphod-init/*'s password:                                 100%  338     0.3KB/s   00:00
zaphod-md1.key                                 100%  256     0.3KB/s   00:00
zaphod-md2.key                                 100%  256     0.3KB/s   00:00
zaphod-md3.key                                 100%  256     0.3KB/s   00:00

mobilem00:/mnt/pendrive# ssh's password:

Welcome to early-ssh!

After you have finished everything, run the following to continue booting:

Please send your comments and bugreports to <xxx@xxx.xx>

BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-4) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

~ # chmod 700 /tmp/

~ # /tmp/
mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 2 drives.
mdadm: /dev/md1 has been started with 2 drives.
mdadm: /dev/md2 has been started with 2 drives.
mdadm: /dev/md3 has been started with 2 drives.
key slot 0 unlocked.
Command successful.
key slot 0 unlocked.
Command successful.
key slot 0 unlocked.
Command successful.

~ # finished
Your session will be now terminated and the boot will be continued. Bye!

Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

And that's all, I have a completely encrypted server (except the /boot of course), what can be unlocked by keyfiles remotely.

Back to the main page.


If you have any questions, suggestions, bugreports, comments, please feel free to contact me.


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